Celebration Page
Hambledon Passport
The Hambledon Passport is an initiative to bring together all of our reward systems while also encouraging us to become well-rounded, valuable members of our community who display our School Values throughout our work and play. We will have the opportunity to work towards different levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold) through earning house points, our learning value certificates, and volunteering within our school community.
The passport is progressive, with increasing commitment, learning and challenge, while being achievable to all. Children will be awarded upon completion at each stage and are able to keep track as they work towards each level. Every 10 house points, 5 minutes of volunteering time and school value certificate are tracked so children are able to see how they are progressing towards each level.
Upon completion of each award, a certificate and badge will be awarded and a ‘trip’ planned. For example: a picnic and games on the field, a trip to a local café, a trip further afield.
Celebrating Achievement
We love nothing more than celebrating the achievements of the children, whether inside school or out. In support of this we run our Learning Values initiative, whereby children gain stars in five areas, which build up to a relevant certificate, awarded in assembly. These get marked on their Hambledon Paspport.
Celebration Assembly
Every week two children are picked from each class for exceptional effort or achievement or for being a good role model in class. Their parents are invited to the Friday morning assembly to see their children receive a special certificate. The children are then invited to have 'tea' with the Headteacher to share their work further.
STEP Assembly
Every term one child is picked from each class because they have shown exemplary behaviour and manners (Sorry, Thank you, Excuse me, Please) throughout the last half term. This is formally recognised through a special assembly to which their parents are invited, the children are then awarded with a gold medal which they keep and can wear for the rest of the half term.