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Hambledon Primary School

‘A village school, nurturing individual talent and success’

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Friends of Hambledon Primary School


As a parent of a child at the school you will automatically become a member of the 'Friends of Hambledon' who work hard to provide financial and social support to the school. Every year the children enjoy a range of activities which are arranged by the group. All monies raised go to the school and recent purchases have included help towards school trips, new carpets and maths equipment and reading books.


The ‘Friends’ group meet at pre-arranged times and parents, grandparents and carers are welcome to attend as and when you are able to. Each year a Chair, Vice-chair and Treasurer are elected.

How you can help

  • Encourage your children to participate in the activities we run in school. E.g. Film Nights
  • Come along to events and bring family and friends
  • Share your ideas with us; we’d love to hear them!
  • Bake or buy cakes
  • Save up unwanted or surplus gifts for forthcoming raffles and competitions. We are always seeking bric-a-brac or tombola items (soft toys, bottles etc.)
  • Perhaps your employer or business can donate an item or service that would make a great prize?
  • Come along to meetings or help out at events, we value your time.


Thank you



