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Hambledon Primary School

‘A village school, nurturing individual talent and success’

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School Day

Our School Day is from 8:45am to 3:15pm (32.5 hours a week), with the doors opening at 8:40am. At the start of Year R, our newest pupils enter the school on the front playground and come into their classroom through the School House door. All other pupils enter their classrooms from the back playground. 


All classes are seen out by their class teacher or another member of staff onto the back playground where they meet their parents. 


Year R and KS1 have their playtime from 10:15 - 10:30am and KS2 classes have theirs from 10:30-10:45am. One day a week, we share a whole school play from 10:15-10:45am so that all of the children can play together. This is also when our older children run clubs for the younger children.


Year R go in to have their lunch at 11:45am, KS1 at 12:00pm and KS2 at 12:30pm. Outside play is between 12:00pm-1:00pm once they have eaten. 


Phonics, Maths and English are taught in our morning sessions, with our Foundation Subjects such as History, Geography, Music, Art, PE etc are taught in the afternoons. Reading sessions happen daily - both to teach explicit reading skills and also to take part in the enjoyment of reading. Each class has a dedicated library slot where they can also choose a library book to read here at school and/or at home.
