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Hambledon Primary School

‘A village school, nurturing individual talent and success’

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Trip to Arundel Wetland Centre January 2023

World Book Week March 2023

Welcome to the Gallery!

Ted is looking forward to seeing the children in Yr R/1 and 6 returning to school on June 1st 2020

Message to our families April 2020

School Ted meets new Ted who is going to Uganda

Welcome to Madam Shakilah from Rihamu Junior School in Uganda - March 2020

Census Day January 2020 - Lucky Plate winners

Ted has a new jumper and is all ready for Christmas jumper day on Friday 13th December 2019

House Martins rescued! The RSPCA came out today to take two House Martins to The Ark to be hand reared as they had fallen out of their nest.

Christmas Jumper Day for Save the Children


A couple of weeks ago, I (Miss Murray) travelled to Uganda. During the trip, I visited Rihamu Junior School and Queen Elizabeth National Park as part of the twinning project we are involved in. As a school, we have been learning lots about both the national park and the school and identifying lots of similarities and differences between Kasese and Uganda. The photos below will give you a glimpse into life at Rihamu School and show you some of the wildlife found in Queen Elizabeth National Park. 

Ted in his new school jumper!

The Mayor of Winchester visiting Hambledon Primary School October 2018

Y3/4 Sustainability Centre Residential

We had an absolutely amazing trip to the Sustainability Centre this week, with the children experiencing lots of different and engaging activities which linked well to our previous topic 'Destruction', and Sea Lions current topic 'Survival of the Fittest'. Below are a selection of photographs taken over the two days of both of the classes:

Y3/4 Ceilidh Dancing

Sea Lions Sharing their Myths with Dolphins Class 21.5.18

Sharks Mexican food tasting Thursday 10th May

Sharks Trip To Portsmouth

Dolphins St. George's Day Celebration

Sea Lions and Turtles Shared Reading 20.4.18

Sea Lions and Turtles Shared Reading

Due to the success of Sea Lions previously sharing their pop-up stories with Turtles class, the two classes have begun 'buddy time' where children from each class have been sharing books and stories with one another. Below are some pictures from our first session:
