Welcome letter from Hambledon pupils
Starting school is a really big next step in your life. At Hambledon Primary School we make learning fun and exciting. There are lots of other children to play with and learn.
You will learn your sounds (phonemes), how to read and write and develop your skills in numbers and patterns. You will become a young scientist and enjoy making, evaluating and predicting. You will explore and carry out experiments. You will learn to be a good listener and develop your speaking skills and learn to share and get along with others. You will learn how to work in a team and to cooperate with others and also to work on your own. All these skills will help you when you are grown up. As an artist you will develop skills in drawing, painting, printing and sculpture. As a musician there are many opportunities for you to sing, play instruments and make music. You will even be learning French! You will learn about local towns and villages and about important people who lived in the past.
At Hambledon keeping healthy is very important and you will do at least 2 hours of PE every week. There are lots of computers and a big hall where you have assembly, which is a time when we all gather and share, reflect and learn about our core values. We also have lunch there and do PE. We work inside and outside and visit the village as much as we can. We have lots of visitors to school and trips to exciting places like castles, the beach, museums and the woods.
Everyday there are healthy fruit snacks to give you energy to learn.
At Hambledon we all work hard together and the teachers will really help you understand what it is to be a learner, they will help and support you with your work, your friendships and make sure you feel good about yourself. We are really proud of our learning values as they help us become great learners. We are taught how to be creative, reflective, resilient, resourceful, respectful and how to challenge ourselves. We can earn special rewards for demonstrating these skills and using them to help us in our classes.
This is a place where you will have fun, make good progress and feel very proud of your achievements.
We’d love you to come and visit us.