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Hambledon Primary School

‘A village school, nurturing individual talent and success’

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Hambledon school uniform is royal blue in colour and consists of a sweatshirt / cardigan and polo shirt bearing the logo, available to buy from uniform suppliers Skoolkit.

Grey / black trousers, skirt, tunic or shorts
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
Pale blue or white polo shirt  (logo optional)

Summer dress in blue gingham
Black footwear (trainers are not considered suitable)
Royal blue book bag with logo (optional)
Royal blue baseball cap for summer (optional)

Grey/black/white socks/tights

Royal blue t-shirt (logo optional)
Black / Navy shorts
Black / Navy tracksuit bottoms for winter
Plimsolls or trainers

Navy/black sweat shirt and joggers for the cold weather! 


Please note, all pencils, materials and equipment are provided by the school, including a water bottle. Please ensure that all clothing is named, including socks and coats.


School Uniform bearing the school logo is available to buy from uniform suppliers Skoolkit - you can buy online or visit the shop. They also offer a sew on badge should you wish to purchase plain royal blue cardigans/jumpers elsewhere. 

Visit them online

Visit their shop
Havant Branch
The Meridian Shopping Centre, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 1UN

02392 455795
Opening hours:
9.00am – 5.30pm Monday – Fridays
9.00am – 5.00 Saturdays

Fareham Branch
149 West Street, Fareham, PO16 0YA
01329 822509
Opening hours:
9.00am – 5.30pm Monday – Fridays
9.00am – 5.00 Saturdays


Second hand sales
The school holds regular second hand sales. Please contact the School Office to find out more information.
